Hi there!

My name is Jordi, I'm an illustrator and Graphic Designer based in Barcelona. I have a very specific style due to my wondering/imaginative way to see the world. Because of this attraction to plastic arts, since I was a little lad, letting my mind portrayed everything that came to it, the right path presented itself. I used to imagine monsters coming from paranoid dreams and still nowadays try to maintain this ideas in my pieces. Drawing bizarre and fantastic things, allows me to express my deepest creativity and imagination.

People sometimes might feel freaked out when looking to my art, I consider this the way to go. They might don't know but it touched them somehow, and that, in itself, is the goal. Illustration is a way to stir up all kind of feelings, even when those aren't beautiful or positive at all.

After many years working full-time in other areas and doing sporadic graphic design/illustration projects, I decided to start freelancing and focus my career 100% on what I really enjoy.

On my free time I play videogames, watch movies or series and also love producing electronic music under the aka Shorsh (if you feel curiosity check the Soundcloud icon on the upper right corner).

Let's get in touch!

(+34) 659 26 25 93